Monday, August 15, 2022


You are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14)

I heard it again.  Someone unhappy at their church, maybe leaving because "this church isn't evangelistic enough."

It makes me really sad, because I couldn't help but think "why are you waiting for them??  Go be evangelistic yourself!"  And he is, but maybe what he is wanting is unrealistic?

Come on, I thought...Did Paul wait until a whole church was ready to get up and go evangelize with him before he went out?  No, he had a few good men who went with him.  The people at home gave their money to support him.  I don't think they were doing nothing at home, they were likely evangelizing in their own little sphere, their neighborhoods, their circles, their homes.  Some of us were meant for great, showy things.  Most of us were meant for quiet witnessing.  But ALL of us are meant to serve in some way.  None of us are meant to be do-nothings.

Don't leave your beautiful church behind because you think they aren't doing enough.  Look at your own doorstep.  What are YOU doing?  If no one will go with you, YOU go anyway.  Quit blaming other people for a lack you see.  YOU get up and take care of it.

You may inspire someone.  Maybe they will decide that they DO want to go with you.  Maybe you will inspire them to get on with the thing God has been trying to get them to do, but they were scared and sure they weren't good enough.

Maybe there are churches where every single person is involved in a great work.  That is so amazing.  You are a very, very blessed person to have found a church like that.  Because the Bible tells us the way is narrow and few find it.  

Keep witnessing.  Make sure your own light is shining.   Be the change they want to see.  If no one will go with you, go anyway.  

Do something yourself and quit worrying about what other people are doing.  In a huge church, maybe there will be 5 or 10 people who catch your vision.  That's okay, go with those 5 or 10.  Or 2.  Or 3.

Just know, it's not likely you are going to find that perfect church.  Because it's built up of people just like you and me.  Imperfect, and everyone having their own dream, their own vision.  God gave us all different gifts.  

Just keep on with yours.

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.  (John 15:8)

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