Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Feingold, again

 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.   1 Corinthians 10:31
Our family is going back to the all natural, "Feingold diet" to help one of my kiddos again. We- well, I - bagged up all the left over cereal, granola bars, and chocolate syrup and tossed it. I put all white flour and sugar on a top shelf that needs a ladder to reach it. I am determined to do this, and help my child without medication if it's at all possible.
We were already basically on this diet because of how I have been eating. What's changed is that I won't be buying anything AT ALL with corn syrup and artificial coloring's and preservatives anymore, once again.
So the kids were lamenting this (no more candy, no more ice cream, we are going to die of a boring diet) - especially the one who has caused this change - while we drove to the bank, where, of COURSE, they gave them a large bag of chocolate for Halloween, which we take no part in, anyway! The kids were delighted. This is your last hurrah, I told them. Eat it and be done.
We went to the Family Nutrition Store to buy supplements. While standing in one place in the isle, I saw no less than THREE friends. I hardly knew who to talk to, but I saw friend Rebecca first, so I talked to her. Then I went to friend Sarah, who was in the isle I wanted, the children's supplements. As we caught up, she suddenly said, "You have lost a LOT of weight!"
Oh, yeah! I had forgotten how I must have changed since the last time I saw her. 20% of my body weight gone IS a lot...
I am grateful that I have been able to maintain this new weight. I have been carefully adding back a few things. Tonight, I was COLD and tired, and since I had hardly had any carbs all day, I ate a small bowl of oatmeal with blueberries for dinner, and a cup of hot ginger lemon tea. I haven't had oatmeal in over six months, and it tasted wonderful!
I put on my warm PJ's early ( no visitors tonight, please), and I plan to crochet and read the night away, while other people are out celebrating Halloween. I am thankful to live at the end of a long country road, far away from all that activity.
Maybe I will have more ginger lemon tea! With Xylitol, instead of sugar!

  • God is light, and there is no darkness in Him. 1 John 1:5

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