Titus 2:3-5
Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanders or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
When you meditate on these verses, you can see it covers a young wife’s marital, biological, economic, authority, and ministering roles. I especially want to talk about the phrase “busy at home” or as the King James Version puts it, “keepers at home.” We are not called by God just to stay at home, but the by BUSY at home. It’s a way to take back control of education, health care, welfare, morality and evangelism from the government we have surrendered them too. It’s a total lifestyle, an art!!
God’s word even tacks on a consequence to refusing this lifestyle. He says “so that no one will malign the word of God.” Those who know what the Bible says, but see those of us who claim his name living the opposite of what he tells us, will question its truth. And for those who don’t know what it says, all they know of God’s Word is what they see in our lives. So when our lives are no different from theirs, our standards are no higher than the worlds, how can we expect them to see God’s power in us? Becoming a true “keeper at home” won’t solve all problems, but it can be a beginning.
I guess my main advice to you is mostly this: watch what you let into your mind. Don’t let the world convince you that you need anything outside your home and family and your Lord to fulfill you. Throw out those magazines that are full of what used to be considered pornography and how to handle the terrible twos and how to find time for yourself. Those ideas don’t come from God. Any advice you need on those subjects, you will find in one book: The Bible. Turn off the sitcoms and the talk shows. They are NOT real life, and even if they were, they are not the real life that God ever intended for us to have. These things can warp your thinking and rob you of contentment.
Have a vision for your family, rather than just letting each day happen. Get rid of the fluff in your life, the things that take your mind off the Lord, and meditate on Him and His word instead. He will show you how you are to live and your life with be a glory, rather than a dishonor, to Him!
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